
Nordic School of Proactive Law Conference 2005: Fusing Best Business Practises with Legal Information Management and Technology



The Conference Idea

Contracts, information resources and IT are valuable assets and a source of strategic advantage. They create and add value and have fundamental impact on financial results. They need to be planned, secured and protected effectively.

Tools and techniques have been developed over decades to support offline, conventional business. Do they apply in e-business where business is fast-paced? How do new contract drafting and contract and risk management tools and other new technology solutions contribute to the success of traditional business?

The underlying theme of the conference is Proactive Law, which comprises a way of legal thinking and a set of skills, practices and procedures that help organizations to identify opportunities in time to take advantage of them - and to spot potential problems while preventive action is still possible. It is a future-oriented approach to law, based on a strong belief that legal knowledge is at its best when applied before things go wrong.

Who should attend?

The Conference brings together people responsible for business and legal management. It offers you a forum to hear new ideas, explore issues and discuss best practices. The Conference is directed towards professionals working in the areas of finance, security (risk and insurance), records, IT, project, contract or quality management as well as lawyers from law firms, corporations, public organizations and academia.

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 The Swedish Law and Informatics Research Institute
The Swedish Law and Informatics Research Institute


The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise
The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise



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Riksbankens Jubileumsfond/The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation
The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Stockholm's Chamber of Commerce

Stockholm Centre for Commercial LawThe Law Firm Friends of the Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law




Working Party for Proactive Law in E-business
Editor: Professor
Cecilia Magnusson Sjöberg
+46 (0)8 16 28 93